The beginnings…

Last Wednesday we got set our main project tasks for Engaged Citizenship and I am feeling confident about the project as it seems exciting. My group also has such a beautiful dynamic together. From the initial starting tasks for the module, we all clicked so fast, having a lot of common interests but also being such an enthusiastic and motivated group, which allowed us to have such a strong video and presentation for the first task.

Course-wise, our group consists of me: an architecture student, another architecture student, an interior design student, and a media student. As we are all creative students, we share similar skills but also many differences, meaning our tasks can be split nicely around us all. I feel that doing the initial Creative type test has made our dynamic better as there are people in my group who think in such a different way to me, bringing ideas on stuff that I would have never even thought of. My creative type is ‘The Maker’, making me fully focused and dedicated to the creative process where I want to be solving problems and making something that has been developed to my best ability. I’m very much someone that enjoys working independently and can be quite quiet in social situations, however, my group has really helped me to feel confident so far in this project, knowing that as a team we can create a strong presentation and research.

Once talking to my group on Wednesday, after looking into some of the themes we could pick for the project, we all decided on looking at Climate change for our theme as we felt it was something all of us found interesting especially with the way the world is today, and how this could hugely affect our futures. Further talking about this Friday on a call, we fixed on this idea and started discussing ideas on Climate change that could be a powerful piece of research to start off with, coming up with the basis of things that are happening around the world due to climate change. This then meant we could organise ourselves as a group as to who would be researching what and trying to get this research done by Wednesday so we can further discuss our findings in a meeting with Jules. For research topics Jess is looking into Wildfires, Koni is looking at the effects of Climate on wildlife and Andrew is looking into icecaps melting. I was assigned to do initial context research on Climate change as I wasn’t sure on a theme I wanted to focus on and by looking into Climate change in general, I feel this may then spark some further ideas on how I can progress in our group and bring some new ideas to the table.