The Next Steps…

Once watching Seaspiracy as a group we had a meeting altogether to discuss our feelings towards the documentary but also further discuss how we were going to move forward together to create a strong narrative. We realised that our first narrative idea was very messy, and I didn’t feel it flowed well as it hadn’t been concisely placed together as one thing that interlinked and instead, was a mash of ideas.

However, in the meeting, we all came up with a new narrative idea that takes in our initial ideas but links them all together well and gives emotion to the viewer through realizing the destruction that we are placing on the environment. The idea in hand was that we are all contributing to our own destruction through everyday tasks that maybe you don’t realise are such a big deal. Our idea is to create things that are beautiful and stuff people find exciting as well as daily activities and then showing the destruction this thing does to the environment by how it has been created. For this task we are having Andrew make an ice sculpture, Koni will be cooking and I will be making a painting. These things we can then pull apart and see the negative impact it creates on the environment through the tools used and the materials/ingredients. We have Jess in charge of all the post-production of the project as this is something she is amazing at.

Time management-wise, we all decided on a date to get our elements done so that we can move ahead on the project to feel confident we are conveying the points needed. I feel overall so far, our group is on track and doing amazing in terms of understanding and communicating our feelings for the project and I am excited to move on and develop our narrative even more.