
After completed the painting (on the 16th April), as a group we all met on the next Wednesday (21st April) in the workshop and talked about how each of us were doing with the artefacts we had dedicated each of us to do. Koni was in charge of cooking and taking video which, she had completed and just needed to place onto the shared google drive we created. Andrew was in the works of creating his ice sculpture with a plan of what he was doing however, still needed to make it and video this. Although Andrew hadn’t made it yet, I still felt we have time to complete our project to the standards I feel our group is capable of.

When talking together about how we can move forward Jess was telling us of a friend she has who can do the voice over for our video to make it sound smooth and get our point across which I am fully excited about as it gives us the opportunity to give the video more emotion then if either one of us in the group did it. Koni and I were all happy to do a voice-over if he couldn’t, but both felt we wouldn’t convey our point as well.

Our plan decided from this meeting was for Jess to get the narration for the video and to start putting together the elements we have so far (Mine and Koni’s video footage) and get an order on how she will place it together. Andrew is then going to work on getting the ice sculpture done. I decided that I would start placing together the presentation on PowerPoint as I think starting early on this would be beneficial, even if it’s just a rough layout of points we have so far. Everyone was happy with me starting this which was great and for it, I just used the example template Simone put up for us to help make sure I was taking all elements into consideration.

Screenshot of the presentation so far.
Screenshot of the contextual research I carried out and how I am presenting this in the presentation.

Creating the PowerPoint, I added in some of the research I did at the beginning of the project and then organised the rest of the presentation into slides to then add in other research each of us did. I realised that although I can create the template for us to add information into, as a group we all need to work together to collate our thoughts in a zoom meeting. This shouldn’t take long as it is just to make sure I am putting all our points across.